Multi-User License Deployment on Windows

 Attention — This page presents content from an old edition. Consult the documentation for the current release instead.

Multi-User License Deployment on Windows / 7 - Remote Desktop Services (Terminal Services) / 4 - Installing Antidote 10

7.4 - Installing Antidote 10

Local installation of the original MSI file consists of the following steps::

  1. Log in as an administrator.
  2. Download the following file types from your Multi-User Client Portal: Antidote_10.y_B_n_Windows.exe and GestionnaireMultiposte_Antidote10.exe.
  3. Ensure that the conditions are met.
  4. Execute the main archive, which takes the following form: Antidote_10.y_B_n_Windows.exe. This will extract a folder containing the installation files onto the desktop. This folder takes the following form: Antidote_10.y_B_n_Installation.
  5. Create the ReseauAntidote.mst and ReseauConnectix.MST files using the Multi-User Manager, which will ask you to indicate the Antidote10.msi and Connectix10.msi files. See Appendix A: Multi-User Manager.
  6. Place all of the necessary files on the server (or an accessible drive), as well as all of the MSP updates, if applicable (if any updates have been published more recently than your installers). See the following example (bilingual installation):

    ReseauAntidote.mst (created previously)
    ReseauConnectix.mst (created previously)
    There may be a published MSP update for each of these elements: one for Antidote 10, one for Antidote - Connectix 10, one for the French module and one for the English module. In addition, there may be an MSP update for the connectors, which are extensions or modules installed in supported software. A single connectors update may be for multiple software applications. This type of update is published between updates to Antidote so that our application can rapidly adapt to changes in supported software. Note that this may be the only type of update you receive.

    If you want the installer’s dialogues to be in English, you must also use the applicable MST files, which are found in the folder msi\druide, for example, Antidote10-Interface-en.mst for the Antidote 10 installer, Antidote-Connectix10-Interface-en.mst for the Antidote - Connectix 10 installer, Antidote10-English-module-Interface-en.mst for the English module installer and Antidote10-Module-francais-Interface-en.mst for the French module installer. Read on for information on adding these to the command line.

    When an update to Antidote is published, the complete installer for this version of the update is usually released within the next few days. As soon as the installer is published, it appears in your Multi-User Client Portal provided you have subscribed to the Antidote Maintenance Program (AMP). Otherwise, the same outcome can be achieved by installing Antidote with the initial installers, accessible from your Multi-User Client Portal, and then applying the latest updates.

    In the installation sequence, it is essential that you launch the Antidote10.msi file first. The Antidote 10 application must be installed before the language modules.

  1. Switch to installation mode:
    change user /install
  2. Use the following command lines that apply to your situation:

    msiexec /i "\\server_path\to\Antidote10.msi" TRANSFORMS="\\server_path\to\ReseauAntidote.mst"  
    msiexec /i "\\server_path\to\Antidote10-Module-francais.msi"  
    msiexec /i "\\server_path\to\Antidote10-English-module.msi"
    msiexec /i "\\server_path\to\Antidote-Connectix10.msi" TRANSFORMS="\\server_path\to\ReseauConnectix.mst"  

    For silent installation (without dialogs), simply add “/qn” to each line, as in the following example:

    msiexec /qn /i "\\server_path\to\Antidote10.msi" TRANSFORMS="\\server_path\to\ReseauAntidote.mst"

    See the General notes for more details.

    To perform a logged installation and choose French for the installer dialogs, indicate the appropriate MST file, as in the following example:

    msiexec /qn /i "\\server_path\to\Antidote10.msi" TRANSFORMS="\\server_path\to\ReseauAntidote.mst;\\server_path\to\Antidote10-Interface-fr.mst" /l*v "\\server_path\to\logInsAntidote.txt"
  3. Switch to “execution” mode:
    change user /execute
  4. Launch Antidote 10 from an administrator account.
  5. Apply access restrictions to the Druide folder (containing Antidote 10 and Connectix 10).

The TRANSFORMS does not need to be indicated for the language modules. You can also use a script that will install all of the required elements, including all updates. The following section provides some example scripts: Using scripts.

The following applications in the Antidote installation folder must be executable by users:

  • Bin64\AgentAntidote.exe
  • Bin64\Antidote.exe
  • Bin64\AntidoteConfig.exe
  • Bin64\FiltrerTeX.exe
  • Bin64\QtWebEngineProcessDruide10.exe

The following applications in the Connectix installation folder must be executable by users:

  • Bin32\MoteurIntegration.exe
  • Bin64\AgentConnectix.exe
  • Bin64\AgentConnectixConsole.exe
  • Bin64\Connectix.exe
  • Bin64\ConnectixConfig.exe
  • Bin64\MoteurIntegration.exe