Managing Entries in the Personal Dictionaries
Adding words
You can add as many words as you like from the Personal Dictionaries window. To add a word, click on the + Add word button (in Windows and Linux) or the button (on a Mac) in the button bar below the list of words, then enter the uninflected form (singular, or infinitive without to) of the word. Antidote automatically chooses what it considers the most suitable category, judging by the spelling of the word. Enter the additional information on the new word and it will be saved once you click outside the right-hand panel of the Personal Dictionaries window.
Duplicating words
To duplicate an entry from a personal dictionary, first choose it from the list, then open the Edit menu and choose Duplicate (on a Mac, click on the Action (⚙︎) button under the list of words, and then on Duplicate). You can also right-click on the word and use the Duplicate command in the context menu. This operation can be useful if you want to add a word with the same definition and semantic categories as another word that is already in the personal dictionary. You may then change only the information that differs between the two entries.
Deleting words
To delete an entry from a personal dictionary, first choose it from the list, then click on Edit in the menu bar, and then on Delete. You can also right-click on the word and use the Delete command in the context menu (on a Mac, you can also click on the Action (⚙︎) button under the list of words, and then on Delete). Once you have deleted a word, Antidote will not recognize it the next time it encounters the word.