Using With Your Other Software
Antidote integrates with your other software so that it can help you wherever you write. To do this, it uses connectors adapted to individual software applications. Connectix, a utility software provided with Antidote, installs the connectors into each application. Connectix executes when you install Antidote, and can then be run when you need it, for example when you install a connector in a new software application.
Install with your other software - To install Antidote in your other software, go to Install with your other software in Antidote’s Help menu. You will be guided to the Connectix utility, which will automatically recognize compatible software on your computer and ask if you want to integrate them using the appropriate connectors.
Using with your other software - For guidance on how to make use of Antidote’s resources from within other software applications, go to Using with your other software in Antidote’s Help menu or under Connectix Agent’s icon. You will be taken a set of to Web-based documentation detailing how Antidote interacts with each of your applications.
Integration settings - The Connectix Agent oversees integration with your other software applications. It provides a menu with management options for certain aspects of integration, such as the content of the context menu or the Antidote toolbar. In Windows, the Connectix Agent can be found in the notification area. On a Mac, it is in the menu bar. In both platforms, it is represented by a small Antidote flask icon.
Compatibility - Antidote’s integration compatibilities can change over time and with the evolution of the software applications themselves. To learn the array of applications that Antidote can integrate with, see the compatibility page.