Antidote 11 User Guide

User Guide / The Corrector / The Correction Prism / Correction Process / Understanding How the Corrector Works

Understanding How the Corrector Works

The corrector carries out an in-depth analysis of every sentence in your text. It first identifies each word along with its syntactic category, number, tense, etc. It then determines all the relevant links between the words: subject–verb, verb–object, etc. Once that is done, Antidote can then verify the appropriate agreement relationships between the words and propose any necessary corrections.

The following are some of the features of your text that Antidote automatically verifies: the correctness of various grammatical agreements (subject–verb, including agreement with coordinated subjects; articles and determiners with count and uncountable nouns), verb mood, the written form of numbers, the use of hyphens, false friends, homophones, register, regionalisms, repetition, capitalization, punctuation, and more.

  • Note that Antidote’s correction is based on the syntactic, grammatical and orthographic properties of your text, not its true meaning. Antidote does not really understand what a sentence means and can’t necessarily turn a poorly written text into a literary masterpiece.


Despite all of the tools at its disposal, the corrector may not be able to analyze every sentence it receives. It uses a dotted line to indicate the area where its analysis ends. Any detections that fall within this area are less reliable, and their tooltips display a discontinuity warning, inviting you to pay special attention.

Text displayed in grey

On rare occasions, the corrector may display some sentences in grey. These are usually sentences that Antidote was unable to analyze and therefore cannot provide any information about. If this happens, try to modify the sentence to remove the segment that Antidote finds problematic.