Multi-User License Deployment on Windows

 Attention — This page presents content from an old edition. Consult the documentation for the current release instead.

Multi-User License Deployment on Windows / 5 - Automated Deployment by GPO / 2 - Uninstalling a Previous Edition

5.2 - Uninstalling a Previous Edition

Before installing Antidote 10, you must uninstall any previous editions in a manner compatible with its initial deployment mode. For more information on uninstalling, see Appendix C, where you will find the appropriate GUID, for example.

For example, here is the content of a script that allows older editions of Antidote to be uninstalled silently. Note that there is a cookie file, which is necessary to prevent unnecessary uninstalls each time the script is run.

@echo OFF
rem Warning, this code is encoded page DOS-850

echo Uninstalling ...

set LOCAL_PATH=C:\Program Files (x86)\Druide\Antidote 10
mkdir "%LOCAL_PATH%"

if exist "%LOCAL_PATH%\TemoinDesAnciensAntidote" goto OK_DESANCIENANTIDOTE
rem A6 (Antidote RX)
msiexec /qn /x {A474EA56-5DBD-4181-8230-806A4762EA7F} /l*v "%LOCAL_PATH%\logDesAncienAntidoteA6.txt"
rem A7 (Antidote HD)
msiexec /qn /x {56CDB4FE-895F-4E0D-8BB4-9A8D4310898D} /l*v "%LOCAL_PATH%\logDesAncienAntidoteA7.txt"
rem A8 (Antidote 8)
msiexec /qn /x {09AAAB09-6DBA-4DD9-9865-54597D3FBCA8} /l*v "%LOCAL_PATH%\logDesAncienAntidoteA8.txt"
rem A9 (Antidote 9)
msiexec /qn /x {BFA17B4C-70D3-480F-8476-76197F614AB6} /l*v "%LOCAL_PATH%\logDesAncienAntidoteA9.txt"
msiexec /qn /x {BFA17B4C-70D3-480F-8476-76197F614AB7} /l*v "%LOCAL_PATH%\logDesAncienAntidoteA9_FR.txt"
msiexec /qn /x {BFA17B4C-70D3-480F-8476-76197F614AB8} /l*v "%LOCAL_PATH%\logDesAncienAntidoteA9_EN.txt"
echo . > "%LOCAL_PATH%\TemoinDesAnciensAntidote"