7.2 - Constraints
The following constraints apply to using Antidote 10 with RDS:
- Antidote only integrates with the applications on the server.
- Antidote cannot cross any isolation environments.
- Antidote is based on RDS technology and does not use all the features offered by Citrix. There are several different modes for deploying an application on Citrix. Antidote compatibility depends on the mode that is used:
- “Server desktop”: Antidote works in this mode.
- “Seamless - Application accessed from a server - Installed”: some customers report having used Antidote in this mode.
- “Seamless - Application accessed from a server - Installation manager packaged app”, “Seamless - Application accessed from a server - Streamed to server”, “Streamed to client”, etc.: not recommended with Antidote.
- Antidote 10 is officially supported by RDS in server desktop mode.
7.1 - Prerequisites
7.3 - Uninstalling a Previous Edition