2.5 - Updating Antidote
Updating Antidote consists of applying 3 MSP files in the case of a unilingual installation and 4 files in the case of a bilingual installation (one file for the Antidote application, one file for the Connectix application, and a file for each language module).
For local installation from one workstation to another, the first and most simple method to update is to select “Help > Search for updates” or “Help > Download assistant”. If a published update has not yet been applied, its files will be downloaded and saved into a file named “Druide_Telechargement”, located in the user account’s Downloads folder, after which they may be immediately installed. These files can then be used manually on the other workstations. However, they must be used in a specific order: connectors update should always be applied last since they require Antidote to be up to date.
The second possible update method consists of downloading update files and launching them manually:
- Download the 3 to 6 update files from your Multi-User Client Portal.
For bilingual installation, these files may take the following forms (“x” corresponds to the update version and “y” corresponds to the connectors update version):
- Log into an administrator account to launch each file. Integration with newly supported programs will be carried out the next time Antidote 10 is launched (for example, from the Start menu), or when each user next logs on.
Antidote also proposes “connector updates”, which update the elements of Antidote installed in supported software applications. Connectors allow integration of Antidote with other software. These updates do not change the version of Antidote shown in the “About Antidote” window. If an integration appears to be out of date in a given application, it is possible to check whether Antidote is up to date on a workstation by selecting Help > Search for updates