5.5.1 - Updating Antidote by Command Line
Updating Antidote consists of applying 3 MSP files in the case of a unilingual installation and 4 files in the case of a bilingual installation (one file for the Antidote application, one file for the Connectix application, and a file for each language module).
The following steps are required for local updates:
Download the 3 or 4 files from your Multi-User Client Portal. For bilingual installation, these files may take the following forms:
However, the most recently published update may be a connectors update, such as
.Antidote 10 also manages “connectors updates”, which update elements of Antidote that are integrated with supported software applications. Connectors allow integration of Antidote with these applications. These updates do not change the version shown in the “About Antidote” window.
Ensure that the conditions are met, see section Before starting.
For each update file to apply, enter one of the following command lines as a workstation administrator:
msiexec /p "\\server_path\to\MiseAJour.msp"
or (for silent installation):
msiexec /qn /p "\\server_path\to\MiseAJour.msp"
You may also use a script that installs all the required updates. See following section: Using Scripts.
Integration with newly supported software is completed upon first launch of Antidote 10 (from the Start menu) or when each user logs onto the workstation.