Antidote 11 User Guide

User Guide / Settings / Typography Settings / General Panel

General Panel of the Typography Settings


Replace straight apostrophes with typographic apostrophes

Formal typography requires the curved apostrophe ( ’ ) and not the straight apostrophe ( ' ). Uncheck this setting if you want Antidote not to detect and correct straight apostrophes.

  • This setting is enabled by default.

Quotation marks

Replace straight quotation marks with typographic quotation marks

Check this box if you want to replace straight quotation marks ( " " ) with typographic quotation marks ( “ ” ), in accordance with general typographic conventions.

  • This setting is enabled by default.

Correct the type of quotation marks

If you check this box, Antidote will correct the type of quotation marks used at different levels of quotation. You can select double quotation marks for the highest level, and then single marks for an embedded quotation; or single quotation marks for the higher level and then double marks for the embedded quotation.

  • This setting is enabled by default.


Check this box if you want Antidote to detect various contexts in which a dash or a hyphen is incorrectly used and then replace it with the correct dash. Antidote can detect the following contexts: in front of each item in a list, to set off a parenthetical expression, to separate two clauses, in a range, and to attribute a quote. For each of these contexts, you can select the type of dash (em dash or en dash), as well as the type of space to be inserted around the dash (breaking, non-breaking, thin or none). If you select any for this option, Antidote will not make any changes in this context.

  • This setting is enabled by default.


Correct the type of ellipses used

Check this box if you want Antidote to correct the type of characters used to represent ellipses. You can then select the single character, three periods, three periods with non-breaking spaces, or three periods with thin spaces.

  • This setting is enabled by default.


Correct nested parentheses

Check this box if you want Antidote to correct the type of nested parentheses, i.e. parentheses that occur within higher-level parentheses. Your options for nested parentheses are square brackets or dashes.

  • This setting is enabled by default.