Navigating the Dictionaries
You can submit a word to the dictionaries in a number of ways.
Enter a word
Once you are in the dictionaries window, enter a word (which will then be the headword) and press Return. Then choose the dictionary you want—the previews may help you decide. As soon as you start entering the first letters of the headword, a list of suggestions will appear. If the word you are looking for is one of the suggestions, choose it by clicking on it. You can also just press Enter or Return when the word is highlighted in the list.
Select a word from the homographs bar
When the headword has homographs (words with the same spelling, such the verb drink and the noun drink), they are displayed in the homographs bar above the header for all the dictionaries. By default, the Antidote chooses the most likely homograph according to its frequency and the current dictionary. Click on another word in the homographs bar at any time to display an alternative entry.
Double-click on a word
In the dictionaries window, double-click on any word to launch a search. To automatically launch a search in the definitions dictionary, press Ctrl + double-click (⌥ + double-click, on a Mac).
Drag and drop
Select a word in any application that lets you drag and drop. Hold the mouse button down while you drag the word to the dictionaries window and drop it in the headword field or directly in the dictionary of your choice.
Context menu
In the dictionaries window, right-click on a word (or Ctrl + click on a Mac) to bring up the context menu. Then you can launch a search for the word in the definitions dictionary or the current dictionary.
In the corrector window and the guides window, select a word and then click on the dictionaries icon (). Then you can choose the dictionary you want.
Recent searches menu
Do you want to search for the same word again? Antidote keeps track of your past searches. Click on the search menu (, sur Mac ; on a Mac; in Windows, click in the headword field when it is empty) to display the list of previous searches, and select the word you want to display in the headword field. This menu also lets you delete recent searches and offers other search suggestions.
History arrows
Antidote remembers up to thirty words you searched for and dictionaries you visited. To return to the previous display, click on the left arrow. To return to the previous item, click on the right arrow.