Dictionary of Antonyms
Antonyms are words whose meanings are more or less opposite from one another. Antidote’s antonyms dictionary, with its more than 125,000 antonyms, can be an invaluable tool for finding the opposite meaning that fits best.
Antonyms are arranged in lists grouped according to sense, a brief description of which is shown to the left of the list. For senses that are more specific, the overall sense is shown as a subheading and a secondary sense is shown to the left of the list. The senses in the titles correspond to the various senses of the headword (and thus the opposite senses of the displayed antonyms).
Clicking on an antonym will display its full definition in the right-hand panel. You can then cycle through definitions for all of the antonyms in a list by using the keyboard arrows or by clicking on each word.
Each list includes a hide/show triangle, letting you switch between a detailed display and a summary display, useful for when quickly perusing the various meanings. A similar triangle in the heading lets you collapse or expand all the lists at once.